Sunday, 11 March 2012

(+92) - My Identity

I have been born and raised in those times when people really cared about Pakistan. When popular and respected figures wrote about Pakistan in their autographs. I can never forget Shaheed Hakim Muhammad Saeed's trademark 'Pakistan se muhabbat karo, Pakistan ki taa'meer karo' autograph. We hardly have such people any more. Who put Pakistan as their priority. Who portray Pakistan as their pride. Our generation has a lost sense of patriotism. We think wearing the green jersey and cheering team Pakistan in a cricket match is what patriotism is all about. We only celebrate Pakistan when in crowd (match-screenings etc), we only show concern for Pakistan on occasions (national level crisis or some jalsa demanding change). At collective level, we are considerate enough to give SOME of our time from daily lives to Pakistan. This won't do the job. Pakistan needs more. Pakistan is in a terrible state. Corrupted to its roots. Mafias everywhere (from hawkers at the street to the public transport, from police to public). Everyone has been selfish lately. Concerned about their trivial individual daily matters, least caring about Pakistan. When a nation is at such a stage, the only saviour can be 'ME'. Be the change that I want to see. We all have a responsibility to this state, no matter how much we ignore it. It is time to redeem and respond to the call! We all must do more than we expect of ourselves. That is the only way towards positive change. We've gone numb by all the wrongdoings our entire life that we don't expect much. We'd break the traffic rules because we won't be reprimanded, we'll trash our homeland because we don't consider it our home any more. Make yourself exceed your own expectations. Prioritize Pakistan. Put Pakistan as a major factor in your decision-making. Only then you are patriotic. Only then you are a Pakistani.

There's a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood,
Leads on to fortune,
But ommitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries,
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose the ventures before us.

This post is dedicated to the person who made me realize I had not yet truly taken Pakistan into account in any of my decisions throughout my life.

1 comment:

  1. From what I have learned and read recently, there is no concept of Nationalism in Islam.

    Anyone who unites the Ummah under any nation, tribe or banner apart from that which Allah has decreed (i.e. Islam) then he is amongst the ignorants. And this act (calling towards tribalism and modernly known as nationalism) has been described as the traits of Jahilliyah by the Prophet PBUH.

    And Allah knows best.
