Sunday, 19 February 2012

Mere Mortals

Mortality is such a blessing. Time flies, death urges, knells call, heaven invites, hell threatens. Being mortal gives meaning to our existence. What we do while we are here is of value. Every action has an impact. Imagine never dying- you can continue to make mistakes, continue your ways of living, no consequences, no regret or guilt because we will be without direction and at ease, existing forever and ever, our doings without any accountability because we can never die; never dying is never living! Fear of death or harm makes us 'human', immortality is 'inhuman'. No purpose of existence, just being there and doing things. Thank God that we are limited! Eyes that can not see everything, ears designed to hear within a range, mind that functions up to a certain limit; our limits make us the most superior creation of God. We are limited so that what we do has a value, so that we are important, so that we may have a chance to show compassion to the weak, rise against tyranny, let ourselves be count! We are limited so that we can make our mark.

Seek not, my soul, the life of the immortals; but enjoy to the full the resources that are within thy reach.
- Pindar

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Deserving Education

I had the opportunity to visit a revamped government school in a backward are few days back. The school used to be a dumpster and a place for drugsters. Now it's home to many young aspiring girls having dreams and hopes clearly glimmered in their eyes. The classes were small but enthusiasm high. The room was crowded but students were not complaining as each bench was shared by 3 to 4 students. The students were divided into groups of threes and fours in the playground but organized in classrooms as they innocently answered the raised questions in one voice. The classes were really vibrant and full of energy. Students were not 'pushed' to learn rather they were 'pulled' towards it as was evident from their excitement in the classrooms. They wanted to learn more and do more. They corrected the teacher that there were 8 maths questions given as homework as opposed to 5. They asked why they were to practice ONLY 10 questions in class and not more. They were eager to get their practice answers checked by the teacher and get approval and appreciation. Such students deserve scholarships, sponsorships and support. Such students deserve opportunities and platform. Such students deserve education and not just literacy. Such students deserve a bright future.

“The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think—rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with the thoughts of other men.” 
- John Dewey